♥About Me♥

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Arkansas, United States



Grab my blinkie! You may copy/paste if it's easier :D

♥My Stores♥

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♥My CT♥

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

That's right! I am officially posting for new creative team members!!!

What I would like in new members:
Timely tuts, if you request a kit, I would like a tut within a week or two. Not too hard :) I am pretty understanding so if you need a bit longer,just let me know and it will be  fine!
At least 2 tuts per month
I have started a facebook group for you to request kits and post your results in, so you must have a facebook so I can add you to the group!
Advertising your tuts, or clusters/snags in at least 20 various groups *facebook groups, yahoo, forums, etc*

Who I am looking for:

I am currently looking for tutorial writers and taggers/cluster makers ♥

If this sounds like something you would be able to handle, shoot me an email at kacimcvay@yahoo(dot)com

Have the subject say DND CT CALL all caps so I am for sure to notice it :)

Be sure to provide a link for your blog, who you currently ct for, and anything else you might think to send as well :)

Thanks for looking and applying!!!

Currently OPEN :)


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♥My Tut Site♥



My terms of use.

Any of my creations are of my own invention and imagination. Any resemblance to any other kit or commercial use item is pure coincidence :)

1. You may use my kits in tutorials, but please link to my blog for users to download from here. I would also love to know if you tut my kits so I can showcase your results! Same for if you use my templates.

2. Do not share my kits thru groups, but you may pass my blog links.

3. Do not reupload my kits, via box.net, mediafire etc.

4. If you make anything with my kits ALONE *ie no tubes etc* giving credit as follows is HIGHLY appreciated:

*Kit Name* By Scrappin Krazy Designs

That way anyone who likes it can find it if it is not part of a tutorial

5. My kits are for personal use only, period. Do not use them for monetary gain of any kind.


♥Script Tester♥

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♥Awesome Forums♥




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