Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Here is a new kit. Made this for my mom and sister's dog Stormy, who recently passed. She was a sweet lil dog. Anyways, hope someone likes it!

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Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hello! Happy lil note from me. Since I am now selling kits, I suppose it's time I have a good creative team. If you would be interested, please email me at kacimcvay@yahoo.com, and be sure to put CT Call in the subject line so I don't miss it. If you don't hear back from me in a couple of days, please resend. Yahoo tends to eat email and I check mine periodically thru each day.
I would be looking for specifically tutorial writers, but am open to taking a couple of tag makers. For tut writers, I would require one tut per kit and with at least one tut each month. For tag makers, I'd like 2-3 tags per kit and with one tag set each month.
Sounds good? Then drop me an email, I will get back to you to let you know.
I would be looking for specifically tutorial writers, but am open to taking a couple of tag makers. For tut writers, I would require one tut per kit and with at least one tut each month. For tag makers, I'd like 2-3 tags per kit and with one tag set each month.
Sounds good? Then drop me an email, I will get back to you to let you know.
Labels:ptu kits | 0
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here are four love overlays I made. I hope someone can use em.
TOU: Only use these in PU kits, for sell or free, no credit required but always appreciated
Download HERE
Labels:commercial use freebie | 0
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I wrote a tut with my Stars n Stripes kit. Below is the preview, here's the link: Brought To You Courtesy

Labels:my tutorial | 0
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Labels:ptu kits | 0
Monday, June 14, 2010
It is me again! I have another store that I am now selling at as of today. Scraps With Attitude! Thank you so much Missy for having me on the team. Below are previews of the kits I currently have available.

Labels:announcement,ptu kits | 0
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Gonna keep it short and sweet :) But I am gonna start selling scrap kits at TART. Thanks so much for them accepting me. My freebies currently on my blog will remain free. Figured that would be easier. HERE
Labels:announcement | 0
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Oh lookie! Another Misfit challenge LOL, yes I like to do them. So this past scrap kit challenge was for black n white kits. Below is my preview and you can find my download HERE, plus several other AWESOME fantastic kits! Please leave us love there if you download any.

Labels:freebie,misfits | 0
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My terms of use.
Any of my creations are of my own invention and imagination. Any resemblance to any other kit or commercial use item is pure coincidence :)
1. You may use my kits in tutorials, but please link to my blog for users to download from here. I would also love to know if you tut my kits so I can showcase your results! Same for if you use my templates.
2. Do not share my kits thru groups, but you may pass my blog links.
3. Do not reupload my kits, via box.net, mediafire etc.
4. If you make anything with my kits ALONE *ie no tubes etc* giving credit as follows is HIGHLY appreciated:
*Kit Name* By Scrappin Krazy Designs
That way anyone who likes it can find it if it is not part of a tutorial
5. My kits are for personal use only, period. Do not use them for monetary gain of any kind.
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