♥About Me♥

My photo
Arkansas, United States



Grab my blinkie! You may copy/paste if it's easier :D

♥My Stores♥

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♥My CT♥

♥CU4CU Licenses♥

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♥CU Permissions♥

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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Hello friends! LOL, gotta new template for you all. I rather like how this one came out and hope you do too. I made it to go with a song by Far East Movement. Love them! Check em out, have a few songs in my player on here too. So if ya like it and download, leave me some love! It'll only take a few seconds in my chat box or as a comment here or 4shared. Thanks for looking! Download HERE
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Well, I am thrilled to announce that I shall be joining Tamie n Vicki at their store Dreams-N-Digital shortly! WOOOOOP!!! Just gotta get my stuff loaded n what not, thank you girls for asking and having me! I am super excited! I do CT for them both and they are wonderful fabulous ladies, go check out their stuff and I'll post again once I'm all ready to go there!
Store Blinkie
Hello! Just extending another CT call. If you would be interested, please email me at kacirenee@gmail.com, and be sure to put CT Call in the subject line so I don't miss it. If you don't hear back from me in a couple of days, please resend.

I would be looking for specifically tutorial writers, but am open to taking a couple of tag makers. For tut writers, I would require one tut per kit and with at least one tut each month. For tag makers, I'd like 2-3 tags per kit and with one tag set each month.

Sounds good? Then drop me an email, I will get back to you to let you know.

Monday, October 4, 2010
Just a lil note :) Have had a lot going on here lately in RL. Hubby is deployed and so I am of course worrying about him and all. More details but nothing I want to air on my blog you understand. :) Most of my misfit girls and family know and that's who really matters. Just to keep him in your thoughts and prayers at this time, and all of the troops fighting in Afghanistan. Then my kids and all too, with the school. Lordy that's fun......not. But not putting that out there either as it may come back and bite me in the butt. Anyways, am hoping to get some new stuff made soon and plan on redoing my previews with a temp I purchased the other day of Tamie's. Blog here, her stuff is so friggin great! Anyways, life is busy. Thanks for looking!


♥My Tut Site♥



My terms of use.

Any of my creations are of my own invention and imagination. Any resemblance to any other kit or commercial use item is pure coincidence :)

1. You may use my kits in tutorials, but please link to my blog for users to download from here. I would also love to know if you tut my kits so I can showcase your results! Same for if you use my templates.

2. Do not share my kits thru groups, but you may pass my blog links.

3. Do not reupload my kits, via box.net, mediafire etc.

4. If you make anything with my kits ALONE *ie no tubes etc* giving credit as follows is HIGHLY appreciated:

*Kit Name* By Scrappin Krazy Designs

That way anyone who likes it can find it if it is not part of a tutorial

5. My kits are for personal use only, period. Do not use them for monetary gain of any kind.


♥Script Tester♥

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♥Awesome Forums♥




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