♥About Me♥

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Arkansas, United States



Grab my blinkie! You may copy/paste if it's easier :D

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The lovely Helly has tagged me! Yay! I haven't been tagged before, so we'll see how I do! LOL These are the rules: 1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Ok, 7 facts about me! 1. I love love love playing Rock Band and Guitar Hero 2. My husband is gonna be home this sunday from Afghanistan! WOOHOO!!! 3. I can pop my toe knuckles just by flexing my toes. 4. I've lived in Germany, but as an Army spouse. 5. I have been into psp for nearly 3 years, but just recently into making scraps. 6. I collect ink pens. 7. My family is very important! I love my kids and hubby! Now, who to tag... Lisa at Frosted Illusions Melissa at Sentimental Style Clarey at Clarey's Designz Laura at Cinnamon Scraps Tisha at Designs By Tisha Rainy Day Scraps Cindy's Layouts Ok, finding people to tag was harder than I thought! LOL


♥My Tut Site♥



My terms of use.

Any of my creations are of my own invention and imagination. Any resemblance to any other kit or commercial use item is pure coincidence :)

1. You may use my kits in tutorials, but please link to my blog for users to download from here. I would also love to know if you tut my kits so I can showcase your results! Same for if you use my templates.

2. Do not share my kits thru groups, but you may pass my blog links.

3. Do not reupload my kits, via box.net, mediafire etc.

4. If you make anything with my kits ALONE *ie no tubes etc* giving credit as follows is HIGHLY appreciated:

*Kit Name* By Scrappin Krazy Designs

That way anyone who likes it can find it if it is not part of a tutorial

5. My kits are for personal use only, period. Do not use them for monetary gain of any kind.


♥Script Tester♥

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